MarTech Adoption Acceleration Solutions

58% of brands are under utilising their MarTech stack. We’re committed to helping businesses overcome MarTech challenges and accelerate adoption and ROI.

What is your MarTech Adoption Challenge?

Whatever business challenge is holding you back from increasing your MarTech adoption, our offerings are designed to help you and your team leverage your stack and boost your ROI.

Not enough people?

Solution: C-COE

Collaborative COE is an operations-support-service that offers brands an external execution team while hiring their own people.

Lack of expertise?

Solution: CLaaS

Have people in your team but not enough expertise? Continuous Learning as a Service (CLaaS) may help them understand the commercial use cases and how to use MarTech at their disposal to achieve them.

Not enough use cases?

Solution: MasterCLaaS

Our MasterCLaaS programs involve an immersive practical one-day workshop offering a deep dive into a specific platform and opportunities to set up multiple use cases on the day.

Integration challenges?

Solution: Experience Labs

Our 2 to 3-hour immersive Experience Labs come bridge the gap between your tools and help you boost integration and ROI through commercial use cases.

Benefits and Outcomes

Accelerate Number
of Use-cases
Engage People
with Gamified Learning
Enable Innovation
& Collaboration
Boost MarTech
Adoption & ROI

Driving MarTech adoption and ROI for brands.

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