Increase your operational efficiency

Collaborative COE (C-COE)

Collaborative COE is a flexible operations support service that offers brands an external execution team while hiring their own people, helping scale and accelerate projects.

Optimal solution for limited MarTech capacity and expertise.

The ultimate solution for organisations that lack the personnel and expertise to fully leverage the power of their MarTech stack.

With Dexata C-COE, your organisation gains access to a team of 350+ dedicated MarTech experts who understand the intricacies of various MarTech.

Our dedicated specialists work closely with your existing teams to bridge the knowledge gap, providing guidance, training, and hands-on support.

Driving Real Results


MarTech Dedicated Specialists


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The Benefits

A flexible and scalable solution to teams for overcoming recruitment challenges and achieving MarTech goals.


C-COE enables teams to scale their MarTech efforts easily, accommodating growth and evolving marketing strategies while maintaining seamless collaboration.

Cost-effectiveness and ROI

C-COE enhances cost-effectiveness, delivering a higher return on investment by providing access to affordable dedicated MarTech specialists while reducing operational expenses and optimising marketing outcomes.


C-COE provides flexibility in MarTech adoption, allowing organisations to readily adapt to changing marketing needs, technologies, and strategies, ensuring agility in a dynamic marketing landscape.

Adoption Acceleration

C-COE accelerates the adoption of MarTech solutions within organisations by providing specialised support, best practices, and a framework for seamless integration, reducing barriers to entry

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MarTech challenge

Driving MarTech adoption and ROI for brands.

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